Quality Policy
We stand committed to good professional practices and compliance by creating a dynamic work culture and ensuring the timely delivery of an industry-leading customer service to all our customers.
We stand committed to work for excellence and ensure providing reliable knowledge of parameters with due compliance to applicable regulations to ensure the quality of operations in its testing, examination, and research services in confirmation to the best of satisfaction of our customers.
We stand committed to work and deliver our services to our customers, in compliance with applicable regulations and agreement by way of orienting and improving our Management System.
We stand committed to ensure that our Quality Management system reaches to the highest level of satisfaction of our customers and regulatory provisions and provides confidence and expertise at all steps of our testing process by continuous monitoring and ensuring continual improvements as would be required under the regulations to head towards an effective Quality Management System that can cater to the needs of all challenges in the working procedure and help developing the strategic indicators for reviewing the system.
We stand committed to continually improve the effectiveness of the management system through the use of quality objectives, audit results, analysis of data , Preventive actions and management review.
We stand committed to work in complete co-operation with our customers with national and international standards of requirements at all the stages of our operation and ensure impartiality, confidentiality and independence in the area of test results evaluation.
We stand committed to evaluate frequently the delivery (customer valued) processes by way of customer-needs mapping and improved with reference to turn around times and “on time in full” service efficiency measurements.
We stand committed to adopt the statistical control techniques to ensure that Quality Improvement Processes are implemented with the help of collection of feedback from customers along with our internal and external audit processes.